General FAQs:

Q: Looking at the trustee area map, why do some trustee areas cover more area / are larger than other trustee areas?

A:  The trustee area map was created based on resident population, specifically through census data.  The current census was completed in 2020. Each trustee area is required to be 20 percent of the population. The trustee area map configuration will be reviewed and updated after each census; the next census will be completed in 2030.

The Federal Census is the only accepted actual count of population in the United States and is the only population dataset allowed for configuration of trustee areas. 

Q: Where can I get information on how to become a Board member?

A:  The Orange County Registrar of Voters office coordinates and oversees the process for community members to apply to be a Board member candidate.  Additional information may be found at ocvote.com

Q: Where can I get more information?

A:  You can visit the Definitions and Background page by clicking here; or email your questions to info@iusd.org or submit your questions or comments by clicking here.